Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain
Principal Investigator: Ana García Armada
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is a Spanish university, renowned for its innovative teaching and research as well as for its international profile. It offers a substantial number of undergraduate and graduate degree programs in English, and 22.9% of its student body is international.
UC3M stands out for its high rate of graduate employability and for the opportunities it provides its students to gain hands-on experience during their studies through professional internships at leading companies and institutions.
UC3M stands out for its high rate of graduate employability and for the opportunities it provides its students to gain hands-on experience during their studies through professional internships at leading companies and institutions.

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain
Principal Investigator: Eneko Iradier
The University of the Basque Country is a university that today works, teaches and researches in Basque, Spanish and English. The UPV/EHU is established in all the provinces of the Basque Autonomous Community (Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Alava). Three campuses, twenty study centres and a wide range of degree and post-graduate programmes are its academic credentials. Over 50,000 people –students, academic, management and research staff– attend the university every day to work in a vast array of different areas.
The UPV/EHU currently teaches 82 degrees, 100 master’s degrees and runs 66 PhD programmes. It has its own teaching model (IKD), which encourages autonomous learning by the student and is committed to university-company dual training for many of its qualifications. The close link with the local business world is another of Basque university’s great assets.
As regards research, the UPV/EHU currently has 280 research groups, publishes around 3,500 articles a year in leading international publications and over 400 PhD theses are defended in that same time period. As far as knowledge transfer is concerned, the university has 205 assets in its technology portfolio and annually files for between 70 and 85 patents to protect the results of its research.
The Basque university has mobility agreements in place with institutions in over 60 countries, including 15 in the Top 100 universities worldwide. It has been recognized as Campus of International Excellence and is currently among the 500 best universities in the world on the Shanghai Ranking.

CentraleSupélec / Université Paris-Saclay (CS-UPS), France
Principal Investigator: Marco Di Renzo
Paris-Saclay University offers a complete and varied range of Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degrees, the quality of which is recognised internationally thanks to the reputation of its research and the commitment of its teaching staff. Its components and component institutions further expand this offer with cutting-edge thematic training in science and engineering, life sciences and health, social sciences and humanities.
With 275 laboratories shared with the CEA, CNRS, IHES, INRAE, INRIA, INSERM, ONERA, Paris-Saclay University represents 13% of the French research potential. Composed of 65,000 students, 9,000 teachers and lecturers and 11,000 technical and administrative staff, the University Paris-Saclay is a driving force for the development of its territory and one of the best institutions in France.
At the same time, the University’s component establishments and components are working on the construction of the 17 Graduate Schools. Each Graduate School coordinates a set of master’s degrees and training programmes, doctoral schools and research teams organised around a theme, one or more disciplines, or a mission.
In a unique ecosystem bringing together academic centres and industrial partners within the same territory, this “Engineering and Systems” Graduate School will offer recognised master’s and doctoral level training in the fields of Engineering Sciences and associated digital sciences. These courses open the door to professional integration into the Research and Development community in France and abroad. The Graduate School will have more than 1,000 Master’s students and 600 PhDs graduating each year in several major research areas: materials, mechanics, civil engineering, industrial engineering, optics, electronics, telecommunications, electrical engineering, robotics, applied mathematics and numerics, high-performance computing, biomedical imaging, biotechnologies…
This Graduate School will bring together more than sixty research laboratories that contribute to responding, through research and innovation, to major societal challenges. To prepare for tomorrow’s world, it will seek a balance between the ecological and economic development of our societies by conducting research at the best global level. The increase in the international visibility of French engineering science education should enable the Graduate School to attract the best students in its various training cycles.

University of Oulu (UOULU), Finland
Principal Investigator: Markku Juntti
University of Oulu (UOulu) is an international research and innovation university engaged in multidisciplinary basic research and academic education. The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) is extremely experienced in participating in and/or managing EU co-financed and international projects. Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) at ITEE employs personnel of almost 200 including 17 full or associate professors, 25+ other senior scientists, 30+ postdoctoral researchers, and about 100 doctoral researchers.
The fundamental research at CWC focuses on radio access and network technologies, signal processing, radio frequency (RF) engineering, antennas and propagation, future wireless internet, machine learning and artificial intelligence for and over networks, network security and software defined networks (SDN). The research infrastructure includes advanced RF laboratory with anechoic chamber, the highest frequency channel sounding measurement system composed of three fundamental elements, Keysight PNA-X vector network analyzer, Virginia Diodes (VDI) Vector Network Analyzer Extension Modules (VNAXs), and custom rotatory stages.
CWC also runs and develops a commercial grade semi-open 5G Test Network which evolves to 6G capabilities during 2020s. UOulu and CWC lead the national 6G Science Flagship Program covering 400 researchers in ITEE creating fundamental technologies in connectivity and networks, RF technologies, devices, materials, edge computing, networked AI, and services for practical applications. Those include, e.g., industry, smart traffic and logistics, health and well-being.

University of Luxembourg (LU), Luxembourg
Principal Investigator: Symeon Chatzinotas
The modern University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003. Research-oriented, it is located in the state-of-the-art Belval Campus, an industrial heritage site. Having compulsory mobility as one of its distinctive features, the UL hosts over 6,000 students originating from 107 different countries. Multilingual, it offers bilingual, trilingual or entirely English programmes.
Located at the heart of Europe, in Luxembourg you are close to the European Institutions and the Luxembourgish Financial Centre. With an outstanding mixture of historical sites (the old city is a UNESCO World Heritage site) and contemporary architecture, it is also only a couple of hours away from Brussels, Cologne or Strasbourg.

Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland
Principal Investigator: Hanna Bogucka
Poznan University of Technology is the best technical university in the Wielkopolskie voivodeship in western Poland. PUT is the third most frequently chosen university in Poland, as up to six candidates competed for a place there. Poznan University of Technology (PUT) is among the leading technical universities in Poland. PUT was the first Polish university to become a member of CESAER – Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research – a European organization which brings together all the best technical universities. It is also a member of SEFI – Societé Européenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs, EUA – European University Association, ADUEM – Alliance of Universities for Democracy as well as IAU – International Association of Universities.
Poznan University of Technology arose from the State Higher School of Mechanical Engineering, which was founded in 1919. PUT boasts a century of experience in educating highly qualified engineers and researchers in many areas.